How to convert any Machine Learning model for the iOS application and build it into the project

In this article, we will go through all steps of the process of how to build and train a custom machine learning model, convert it into proper type to work with iOS application, and then build a small iOS application using this model. We will do this based on an example of images style transfer.

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How to build REST API compatible with mobile and web applications

Most contemporary mobile applications have the same version accessible from the web browser. Both of them need connectivity with an external server to store the data, make them accessible, and synchronised on all user’s platforms and devices. It sounds reasonable to have just one backend for all of the platforms. It means that the app will give consistent user experience everywhere and also it is easier and cheaper to write just one version of code instead of creating and maintaining them separately.

Because most of the time in my career while starting to work on a mobile app I was cooperating with developers specialised in web development. I assume it is a very common situation. The questions, obstacles, and things that I had to explain to these developers were surprisingly identical. Because of this commonality, I decided to write this blog post and explain why and where are the differences and how to build API that will be constructed to work well with both mobile and web applications.

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